Make These Items with High Precious Metal Scrap Value Your Top Collecting Priority

A number of factors make certain kinds of precious metal scrap more desirable investments than others. 

These factors include the density and distribution of precious metal within the scrap. If one ounce of gold is distributed through two pounds of scrap, for example, that is a desirably, high density form of scrap. If that same single ounce of gold is distributed through two tons of dirt or sand, that makes for a less desirable investment. (It is easier to ship and process two pounds of material than it is to ship and process two tons.)

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Europe’s Largest Natural Reserve of Rare Earth Metals Has Just Been Found in Sweden

But We Predict Demand for Them Will Only Continue to Rise

LKAB, a government-owned Swedish mining company, recently discovered Europe’s largest deposit of rare earth metals in northern Sweden. The possibility of mining significant quantities of these rare elements in Europe is big news.

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What Is White Gold?

White gold is an alloy of gold and at least one white metal – sometimes more than one. Those additional metals could be nickel, silver, palladium, and/or zinc. Sometimes a little copper is added too, to make the alloy less brittle and easier to shape. But only a little copper can be added, because if you add too much of it to gold, the resulting alloy becomes pinkish in hue. (That’s where so-called pink gold comes from.)

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Gold Buyers Near You

Why We Are More Convenient – and Offer Better Value – than Gold Buyers Near You

When you have items to sell that are made of gold, silver, platinum or maybe pieces of jewelry that contain gemstones, chances are your first thought is, “I need to find a gold buyer near me.”

That’s a logical first thought to have. If there is an honest and reputable company near you that buys precious metals, what could be easier than getting in your car and going to see them? But there are a lot of good reasons why hundreds, and maybe even thousands of people across the United States have decided that it is smarter, and even more convenient, to do business with us. 

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Our Top Ten Blog Posts of 2022

Read and Learn from Our Most Popular Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners Blog Posts Published in 2022

As 2023 kicks off, we would like to share a list of the most popular, most-read posts that we have published in the last year. 

Thank you, readers, for making our blog one of the top-performing, most often-read advisories in the precious metal industry. 

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Do Old Cars Contain More Gold and Other Precious Metals than New Cars Do?

A 1948 Packard weighed about 3,800 pounds when it rolled off the assembly line. No wonder. It was powered by a straight eight motor that was about the size of a refrigerator. A 1948 Lincoln Continental, which was powered by a V-12 engine, weighed about 4,000 pounds. 

What do cars weigh today?

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These World Trends Point Toward Increasing Prices for Precious Metals

Where should you invest in 2023? You have a lot of options, of course, including stocks, mutual funds, municipal bonds. But if you are looking for investments that will produce an above-average return on the dollars you invest, you need look no further than these choices . . . 

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Obsolete and Unwanted Gaming Cartridges and Consoles Can Be a Good Source of Gold

In the world of gaming, old consoles and controllers quickly become obsolete. The result is that the old gaming equipment you have lying around can be a good source of gold you can recycle. The trick is knowing where to look. 

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Why Holiday Gifts You Got in the Past Could Be Well Worth Recycling Today

Christmas always brings a lot of new presents into my house. It’s a great time of year. 

But while I was shopping this week, I started to think about some of the presents I got in years past. Some of them are still in their original boxes, unopened! Wouldn’t this be a great time to pull those old presents out and decide to start using them now and if not, whether to sell them. 

It could also be a time to remove printed circuit boards from some of them and reclaim the gold and silver they contain. Maybe you are like me and have old items lying around that could contain precious metals that can be removed and recycled profitably. 

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Best Holiday Gifts for Precious Metal Investors 2022

Is there a precious metal investor on your holiday shopping list?

If so, we have some great gift suggestions for you. 

If you are a regular reader of the Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners blog, you will remember that we published some gift suggestions just a year ago to help you with your 2021 holiday shopping. For today’s post, we have revisited some of those gift suggestions and we are updating our list to reflect the fact that some prices for these gifts have fallen and some great new gift items have just been introduced. 

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How to Tell How Much a Gold Watch Is Worth

The value of a gold watch is determined by two factors . . .

  1. The collectible value of the watch, which is determined by the prestige of the company that made it.

  2. The metallic value of the watch’s case.

In today’s post, we’ll look at each of these factors.

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Now Is a Good Time to Reclaim the Gold from Digital Cameras

With the holidays coming soon, are you hoping to receive a spanking-new digital camera as a gift? Or have you decided that the camera that is in your smartphone has gotten so powerful that you no longer need to own a digital camera?

In either case, the result is probably the same . . .

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Value of Gold Wedding Rings

One of the Most Amazing Metal Detector Finds in History Reminds Us of the Value to be Found in Gold Wedding Rings

There are metal detector finds . . . and then there are metal detector FINDS that go down in history.

One of those extraordinary finds happened in 2019 when a man got a new metal detector and, on his second outing with it, found a gold wedding ring by a path. What makes this ring so extraordinary? According to a story reported in CNN:

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Four Great Reasons to Invest in Gold Scrap Now

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you already know that we believe that gold scrap is one of the smartest investments you can make, for this reason . . .

You can invest in gold scrap at advantageous prices (in other words, you can buy it for prices that are lower than the current trading price), then you can conveniently have us process it for you, then you will promptly get paid for your gold at current trading prices.

That explains why many smart investors are actively investing in gold scrap today – and making a lot of money doing it.

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Can You Use Your Metal Detector in Churchyards and Cemeteries?

Churchyards and cemeteries are good places to find coins, jewelry, and other items that people have lost over the years. But do you have permission to search for them? be sure to ask before you take your metal detector out of its carrying case and start hunting in those locations.

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Now Is the Time to Recycle Silver Items from Your Holiday Table

Thanksgiving is a holiday when people suddenly rediscover a lot of half-forgotten items that are made of sterling silver. You could pull out those items, give them a quick look, and then stick them back in cupboards until next year, but you could also set them aside and recycle them. So keep your eyes open and be on the lookout for silver items that you can recycle. The more items you can set aside the more money you can net from recycling them to reclaim the silver they contain.

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How Much Money Are Old Class Rings Worth?

If you search for “class rings” on eBay, you are going to find a lot of them for sale. There are old high school rings and old college rings. And if you visit a junk shop, an antique store or even a pawnshop, chances are you will find class rings for sale in them too. Why? There are a lot of reasons. Sometimes when people need cash, an old school ring is the first thing they think of selling. And then there is the unfortunate fact that when people pass away, their heirs often end up with the deceased person’s valuables, which often include a class ring or two.

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BlueWeave Predicts Steady Growth in the Demand for Precious Metals

“Global Precious Metal Market to Grow at a CAGR of 8.1%, during Forecast Period,” a report that BlueWeave Consulting published on September 6, 2022, makes some very encouraging observations about the strength of the market for precious metals.

Here's what the report has to say about coming growth in the Compound Aggregate Growth Rate (CAGR) for precious metals:

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