Four Questions to Ask Today before Investing in Precious Metals

There’s no doubt that the coronavirus crisis has changed everything. It has changed the way we connect with other people, shop, work, enjoy our free time, and much more.

So it only stands to reason that the crisis has changed the way we invest, and profit from, precious metals. But the funny thing is, not everything has changed. Gold scrap, silver scrap, platinum scrap and certain other investments were smart investments before the pandemic struck – and they are still good investments today. But how can you determine which forms of those scrap investments will yield the biggest return today? How can you make the smartest picks among all the precious metal investments that are available right now?

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Smart Questions to Ask Before Using a Precious Metals Refinery for the First Time

Over the last weeks and months, people have been logging more time at home. And many of them have been thinking up new ways to spend their time. Some have been attending exercise classes online. Others have been taking piano classes. People are discovering all kinds of new interests and enthusiasms.

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Time at Home is a Good Opportunity to Study Your Precious Metals Investments

Have you been completely satisfied with the investments you have made in precious metals? Do you think you have invested your money in the right metals? Do you feel like you could benefit from some new ideas and new strategies to realize more income from the bullion, gold scrap, platinum scrap, silver and other investments you have made?

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What Opportunities Will Business Closings Create for Precious Metal Investors?

While we were listening to talk radio last week, we heard someone call in and ask a timely question.

“Businesses all around me are closed and some will never reopen,” the caller said, “and I am wondering whether that will create an opportunity to buy their assets and inventory at low prices?”

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Would This Be a Good Time to Borrow Against the Value of Your Gold, Silver, Platinum and Precious Metal Holdings?

Let’s say that you own precious metals and that you would like to borrow against their value. If that is your situation, don’t be apologetic about it. In the current economic climate, many people need to raise cash. Some of those people are business owners who would like to be able to pay their employees until business picks up. Other people are in a crunch and need to liquidate assets so they can pay their mortgages, their children’s college tuition, or meet other financial obligations.

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Beware of Scams and Shams During the Current Economic Uncertainty

Okay, everybody is worried right now about the state of our economy. And one thing you have to say about the current situation, bad as it is, is that those fears are based in reality. Small businesses are hurting. Some are closing, possibly for good. Individual investors have seen the value of their assets plummet – at least on paper. Kids who are graduating from college right now are having a terribly difficult time finding jobs. Plus, many of our institutions, ranging from universities to museums to theater companies, are wondering if they will ever bounce back.

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Will Gold, Silver and Platinum Hold their Value in the Coming Months and Years?

We are about to enter one of the most uncertain economic periods in modern history – one that many analysts fear could rival the Great Depression.

We don’t like to write about the negatives, we really don’t. But if we want to formulate a strategy for retaining our investments’ value, we need to consider some of the bad things that could just happen in the wake of the current virus crisis:

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Have Fun and Learn about Precious Metals with these Online Trivia Quizzes

We just discovered a fun set of online quizzes about metallurgy, metal trivia, and precious metals. It comes from, and it is great.

Here are some of the free trivia quizzes that we enjoyed the most. You can find them all on

Get ready to learn and have fun too.

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Eight Movies that Will Keep You Charged Up about Precious Metals while You Are Stuck at Home

You’re someone who loves to invest in precious metals. But what have you been doing to keep yourself motivated about your investments while you’ve been logging time holed up at home?

Over the last few weeks on this blog, we’ve suggested some motivational ideas that will work, whether you invest in gold scrap, platinum scrap, palladium scrap, silver scrap, or something else. We’ve suggested, for example, that you inventory your precious metals holdings, review your 2019 tax strategies, or search your home for precious metals you might have overlooked.

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How to Liquidate Gold, Silver, Platinum and Other Precious Metals During the Coronavirus Crisis

Our phone rang a few days ago. A woman on the other end of the line asked a question that seems to be on the minds of many people just now . . .

“I’ve been furloughed from my job and I could use some cash,” she said. “Now would be a good time for me to sell some old items of jewelry, but I can’t find any gold refineries that buy from the public near me. Even those `We Buy Gold’ roadside stores in my area have shut down during the coronavirus crisis.”

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Sitting Around the House? Now Is the Time to Test!

People who invest in precious metals like to keep moving forward. They don’t sit around. They get out to the places where they like to look for precious metals and scrap, whether that means grabbing a metal detector and heading outdoors or driving to an estate sale to see if any treasures are waiting to be discovered.

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Stuck at Home? Why Not Hunt for Precious Metals Now?

If you live in most parts of the country, you’re not supposed to leave your house, except to go to the food store or pharmacy. If that’s been your situation for more than a few days, chances are that you are itching to do something productive and energizing.

So we have a suggestion for you – and one that could be not only interesting but profitable . . .

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Four Profitable Projects for Precious Metal Investors Who Are Stuck at Home

Okay, you’re stuck at home during the current Coronavirus shelter-in-place period. Maybe you can’t take part in all your usual activities as someone who invests in silver scrap, gold scrap, platinum scrap and your other favorite investments. Go to an estate sale to look for jewelry, tableware and other items? Forget it, nobody is holding estate sales right now. Go to an antique mall to poke around? Forget it, the doors are locked.

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Why a Ring with a Big Cheap Stone Could Be Well Worth Recycling Anyway

If you like to hunt for old gold jewelry that’s worth recycling, chances are you have seen some items that match this description . . .

“It’s an old ring that’s just a piece of costume jewelry. It’s got a big fake stone in it that’s probably just made of glass. Why should I pay attention to it, when it’s probably worthless?”

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Gold Prices are Volatile . . . What Are Investors Supposed to Do?

What’s going on with gold prices? Here are two headlines we have seen in just the last week . . .

“Gold Prices Tumbling to Cover Margin Calls”

“Gold Prices to Surge as Coronavirus Crisis Boosts Stimulus Hopes”

But perhaps this headline is the most accurate of all . . .

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Why Rhodium Recovery Is the Most Demanding Form of Recycling Today

A pretty good precious metal refinery might be good enough – or almost good enough – if they are recycling a batch of silver-plated tableware, candlesticks, or other fairly commonplace kinds of silver scrap for you. After all, if the refinery you are using let’s a troy ounce of silver go down the drain, which will cost you about $16.00 at today’s trading prices. Okay, that is bad, and the precious metals refinery you are using should never let any metal of yours slip away. But if you are having that refinery process, say, a few hundred pounds of silver scrap, maybe you can live with the loss of an ounce of silver.

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