Why Is Gold Scrap Your Best Way to Invest in Gold?

What is gold scrap, and why is it one of the best ways to invest in precious metals? In today’s post, we’ll explain.

There are different kinds of gold scrap. Let’s take a closer look.

Bits and Pieces of Either Pure or Karat Gold

They include:

  • Pieces of gold that are left over after jewelry manufacturing processes, including grindings, dust, small beads of melted gold and snips of gold wire.

  • Small gold clasps, chains, and other findings that are used to manufacture jewelry.

  • Small items of gold jewelry, including charms, religious medals, pins and other items.

  • Dental scrap, including dental bars, bridges, and fillings.

  • Gold watch cases and watchband clasps.

Gold-Plated Items

They include:

  • Gold-plated rings, beads, watch cases and other items of jewelry.

  • Gold-plated eyeglass frames.

  • Gold-plated tableware, barware and other items for the kitchen and bar.

Items that Alloy Gold with Other Metals

They include:

  • Pink gold, white gold, green gold and other items of jewelry.

Why Is Gold Scrap the Best Way to Invest in Gold?

There’s a simple answer to that question.

When you invest in the varieties of gold scrap we described above, you can acquire quantities of gold for prices that can be well below current trading prices. You can then send them to a precious metal refinery like Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners, where we will test your scrap, report on what it contains, recycle it for you (if that is what you want) and send you prompt payment for the gold it contains . . . at the current trading price for the metal.

Why Is Gold Scrap a Better Investment than Gold Bullion or Coins?

You could buy gold bullion bars or coins and wait for them to increase in value. In some cases, they will, over time. But investing in gold scrap is a better idea because that strategy allows you to buy gold at below-market prices and then sell it for an immediate profit.

Want to know more? Call our precious metals consultants at 800-426-2344.


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