The Story of “Arsenic Avenue” Highlights the Dangers of Exposure to Chemicals Left Behind by Gold Processing

“Poison fears on 'Arsenic Avenue': Families forced out of their homes as studies find suburban street was built on toxic soil,” an article that appeared in Australia’s Daily Mail on September 6, 2018, points out all too clearly the health dangers that can result when people are exposed to poisons that are left behind near old gold mines.

“Arsenic Avenue,” a neighborhood in Diamond Creek, a suburb of Melbourne, is located downwind of an old, abandoned gold mine. Some families have lived there for as long as 16 years, and have never known that they have been exposed to arsenic that was left behind in the soil after the mine closed. Now families are being forced to leave their homes. One child who grew up in the area reportedly has levels of arsenic in his blood that are five times the safe level.

What are families to do? The government has warned them to wash their pets, keep their windows closed, and stop hanging their laundry outside to dry. Residents are furious and worried, as they should be.

What “Arsenic Avenue” Could Mean to You

Fortunately, few of us live in neighborhoods that are located near old or abandoned mines. But the story of “Arsenic Avenue” points up the dangers of exposure to chemicals that are left behind when precious metals are mined, refined or recycled.

Unfortunately, many precious metal hobbyists and investors persist in refining the precious metal scrap that they have collected. They melt or burn precious metal scrap in their basements, garages or back yards. They immerse old printed circuit boards in acid baths to separate the gold. In nearly all cases, toxic chemicals are released into the air or water supply.

The Key to Safely Refining Gold, Silver and Platinum

We have written about this issue before. The fact is, refining and extracting precious metals should be performed in facilities like ours that follow stringent protocols for preventing environmental damage. The toxic gases that are released must be neutralized, not released into outside air. The poisonous liquids that result from chemical processing must be correctly handled and disposed of legally. We are not about to poison our neighborhood. And precious metal hobbyists should not poison theirs either.

If You’re Doing It, Do It Safely

The words “don’t try this at home” apply to the business of refining precious metals. Call our consultants at 800-426-2344 to learn more about protecting your family from the poisons that are released when precious metals are extracted and refined.

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