Conspiracy Theories and Weird Myths about Precious Metals: Which Are True and Which Aren’t?
Recently one of the greatest conspiracy theories in history was laid to rest when Donald J. Trump announced that Barack Obama really was born in the United States. Why was Mr. Trump empowered to settle the that particular question? Was be born in the hospital bed next to the one where Mr. Obama was born?
Are space aliens secretly mining Earth for gold? You decide. Image credit: Lena_Graphics/iStock.
We don’t know, but we do know that, with that conspiracy theory behind us, we are now free to turn our attention to other weird theories about precious metals. Here are some unusual beliefs about precious metals, with at least partial answers about whether they could be true.
Conspiracy Theory: Somebody Somewhere Has Been Rigging the Prices of Gold and Silver
This theory has been around for decades. Many people thought it couldn’t be true. But then in April, 2016, Deutsche Bank settled a law suit by admitting that had been manipulating gold and silver prices since at least 2007.
The verdict? So this conspiracy theory has turned out to be true, or at least partially so.
Conspiracy Theory: The Nazis Filled a Train with Gold and other Treasures and Hid It in a Tunnel
This is another legend that will not die. Recently, some treasure hunters in Poland claim to be getting closer to finding the train. Maybe they will.
The verdict? This theory has not been proven either true or false… yet.
Conspiracy Theory: The Human Race Was Created by Space Aliens to Mine the Earth’s Gold
You probably think I made up this one, just to have something weird to post on the blog today. Actually, I wish I had made it up. There really are people out there who believe that we humans are a race of slaves, put here on Earth by space aliens, to dig up all the gold for them. If you want to know, it seems that those space aliens are waiting until we dig up all the gold for them. At that point, they will return to claim their gold, and then something awful will happen to us. There is a variant on this theory too, which holds that the ancient Sumerians were somehow in cahoots with the aliens. And as we all know, Sumerians plus Martians form a combination that’s pretty hard to beat.
The verdict? Well, what do you think?
Conspiracy Theory: An Ancient Gold Mine Made by Aliens Has Been Discovered Somewhere on Earth
This theory falls into the common conspiracy category of, “The government doesn’t want you to know about it.” There was even a video live on YouTube that purports to show footage of this gold mine. The only problem is that I can't share it with you, because it keeps getting taken down for copyright violations! But I can report to you that the "gold mine" looks like an abandoned munitions plant to me or maybe a large complex of bowling alleys, and no location is given for where the film was shot. (Probably because “they” don’t want anybody to know where it is, right?)
The verdict? My gas barbecue looks a little like an alien gold mine to me too. I think I’ll fire it up and see whether it contains gold that will be launched to Mars.
BONUS: A Weird Myth: If You Eat a Lot of Silver, Your Skin Will Function Like Photographic Film and You Can Take Pictures on Yourself
You probably think I’m making this one up too, right? But I’m not. Over the years, a myth has arisen that if you eat large amounts of silver, you will be able to take photographic images on your own skin. If you wanted to take a snapshot of your Aunt Sadie on your back or butt, you could theoretically do that. There is actually a little science behind this urban legend, because if you eat a lot of silver, your skin could turn a blue/gray color. (It’s a condition called argyria.)
The verdict? You can make a spectacle of yourself, but you can’t turn yourself into a camera.
Now that we’re done with conspiracy theories for today, let’s talk about something that’s not a conspiracy: the fact that you will get the best prices for your recyclable precious metals by opening a Specialty Metals Pool Account. We will test your unrefined precious-metal items, tell you what they are worth, and then process them when trading prices hit a point that you specify. It’s a wise, risk-minimized way to make top dollar when you recycle. Call Specialty Metals today at 800-426-2344 to discuss your options.
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