Upgrading to a New Central Air Conditioning System? Don’t Discard the Precious Metals Your Old One Contains
If you are replacing the central air conditioning in an older home, apartment building, or factory, here’s something important to keep in mind . . .
Don’t toss parts of your old system that contain gold, silver, or valuable non-precious metals like copper and aluminum
And don’t stand by when the company that is installing your new system hauls away your old system. It belongs to you, and it contains a number of components that are worth money. You can be sure that the company that is taking away your old system is going to sell it to a metals recycling company. Why let that company collect the money from that sale – money from items that are rightfully yours?
Where Can Precious and Valuable Metals Be Found in Your Central Air System?
Air ducts do not contain precious metals. So direct your attention instead to reclaiming metals from these other areas of your old system:
From old outdoor compressors . . .
These are the large units that are located outside your building. They contain printed circuit boards that contain gold, silver, and other valuable metals. Before you let the installer of your new system haul them away, call the precious metal consultants at Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344 so we can tell you where to find the circuit boards they contain.
From old indoor condensers . . .
There are large units that are usually located in an attic or, in some cases, in a closet or separate area of a residence. They too contain printed circuit boards that contain gold, silver, and other valuable metals.
Also set aside older electrical wires, which are made of copper that is currently selling for about $3.50/pound. (That price is for the wire that has been stripped of its insulation.)
From thermostats and other components located far from the condenser and compressor
Digital and analog thermostats that are installed around your home or building are connected to the central air system with long expanses of thermocouple wire, which contains silver, copper and other metals that can be recycled. Again, don’t toss it away. Set it aside and call us at 800-426-2344. Let’s discuss how we can recycle thermocouples for you today.
Want to know more? Give our precious metals recycling consultants a call at 800-426-2344.