. . . and Make the Investments that Are Best for You

Have you ever seen a video of sharks that are feeding? It’s not nice to watch, because sharks get into a “feeding frenzy.” They’re not asking other sharks whether what they are eating is tasty or a healthy choice. They’re just going wild, trying to satisfy their instinctual desire to eat.

Although people who invest in precious metals are a lot smarter than sharks, they sometimes engage in similar behavior. When they get the idea that they can make a lot of money by making a certain investment, they get into a kind of frenzy and can make investments that are unwise.

One example? A few years ago, a rumor started to circulate that used Dell computers contained much more gold than other laptops. This idea might have been started by various blogs and articles that were published online. As a result, the investors focused only on Dell computers overlooked other laptops that contained just about the same amount of gold. Did Dells contain the most? Frankly, we are not sure. We would encourage people to buy and recycle all kinds of electronic devices, including all laptops as well as cellphones and all electronic devices.

Some Smart Investing Principles to Keep in Mind

You will make more money from investments you can make!

This might seem like a strange observation. But while you are hoping for that pile of scrapped Dell laptops to appear – and losing time – maybe you could be buying a pile of thermocouple wire from a demolished factory, or a batch of used sputtering targets that are being sold on eBay, or something else.

It’s the old principle that “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” Any investment you can make has more potential value than the one you cannot. So don’t sit around waiting for the perfect or trendy investment to come along. Jump in.

Find ways to turn your limitations into advantages when investing!

We all have issues to deal with in our lives, and in our investing. And most of us also have advantages that other people might not. Some examples:

  • You might have only a small amount of money to invest every month . . . but you can still get started making investments that fit your budget.

  • You are lucky enough to live in a rural area with a large outbuilding where you can easily and safely store large quantities of scrap. Or you live in a small apartment . . . but you can still invest in jewelry and other small items that you can store in safety deposit boxes.

  • You happen to live near a large department store that is being demolished . . . and you can buy up a lot of components from its AC and heating systems at very low prices.

All of us can make plans that fit our budgets, physical circumstances, and more.

Today’s hottest and most popular investment might not be right for you!

Just because a lot of people are investing in coins or bullion or any other investment doesn’t mean you should too! Investors who have the courage and vision to think in new ways about precious metals often have an edge.

One example? Five years ago when investors were having a feeding frenzy about investing in platinum jewelry and jeweler’s scrap, an investor we know was making more money than they were, by extracting and recycling electronic components from cars. He found he could afford to buy a lot of them and also that there was an automotive scrap yard nearby that would work with him. So instead of looking for unavailable investments, he stayed close to home, invested only a little money, and came out ahead.

Ready to Plan and Start Investing Now? Give Us a Call

The best investment plan is the one that works for you, not for other people. Why not give our precious metal advisors today at 800-426-2344?


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