Post-Holiday Cleanup . . . Stuff you can toss and stuff you should keep
After Hanukah and Christmas, most people have tons of stuff to toss out and recycle. Whether you live in a residential neighborhood or an apartment building, you know the scene. Recyclable wrapping paper, ribbons and other “stuff” get hauled to the curb or put in receptacles.
A lot of those recyclables – ribbons, metallic wrapping paper – look a lot like silver and gold. But are they really? Not likely.
But there is another category of items to consider too – gifts you received in years past that contain gold and silver. Don’t toss them.
Let’s take a closer look.
Go Ahead and Toss these Materials . . .
Here is a short list of stuff you can toss without worrying that you are discarding any precious metals. Even though they may shine like silver or gold, go ahead and throw them away:
Metallic wrapping papers
Cards that have been produced using metallic paints to look like gold or silver
Non-functioning strands of lights
Unwanted DVDs and CDs, which contain no metals
But Keep these Items . . .
Now we are talking about presents you might have received in years past. Even though you might be tempted to discard them, don’t. They contain small amounts of gold that may be worth recycling:
Old CD and DVD players, which contain printed circuit boards
Old cellphones, PDAs and other small electronic devices
Tablets, laptops, game consoles and other electronic devices that got replaced with newer models you received as holiday gifts this year
Metallic picture frames
Digital cameras, because even older models still contain printed circuit boards that contain small amounts of gold you can recycle
Older TVs and monitors
Not Sure Whether Your “Tossable” Items Contain Gold, Silver or Platinum?
Just snap some digital photos of items you are not sure about and give our precious metal consultants a call at 800-426-2344. Let’s talk before you toss! We can test your discardable items, give you a report on what precious metals they contain, and process them for you.
Don’t let precious metals slip through your hands!
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