Opportunity! Town Recycling Yards Are Filling Up with Precious Metal Scrap

Have you visited your town dump lately?

If you have, you have noticed that people are tossing out an awful lot of electronic items. During this period of sheltering at home, they are cleaning out their closets, basements garages and other places where they have stowed a range of electronic devices that include old and unwanted . . .

  • Televisions, which have printed circuit boards that contain gold

  • Air conditioners, which contain both thermocouple wires and circuit boards that contain gold

  • Computers, printers, and other computer peripherals, which contain quantities of both gold and silver

  • Stoves and small refrigerators, which contain thermocouple wire

  • Remotes, PDFs, and small handheld devices, which also contain gold and silver

How Can You Get Your Hands on this Landslide of Electronics?

You really can’t carry away large quantities of these items from your town or other recycling yard without attracting attention or violating local ordinances. But we can suggest several ways you can claim these unwanted electronic devices before they arrive in the dump, and profit from all that silver scrap, gold scrap, and even platinum scrap they contain.

  • Make deals with local businesses, colleges, schools, and hospitals to either buy their unwanted electronics, or to haul all that stuff away for free.

  • Start and advertise your own recycling company in your town or region. If you advertise in local online eNewsletters or post notices on bulletin boards in supermarkets, you could soon have your own business hauling away unwanted electronic devices.

  • Start an electronics drive with your church, temple, mosque, or school. You can have collection days where members drop off devices, which you can recycle to raise funds. Or you can start a profit-making company that conducts those sales on behalf of those institutions and that shares profits with them.

And What Do You Do with Those Electronic Devices?

Collect and store them safely. And then call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344 and set up a recycling plan with us. We will tell you how to extract gold and other precious metal scrap from your devices and ship it to us for testing and recycling. 

Why let the value of all those precious metals slip through your fingers? Give us a call and start a recycling operation that will make you a good income during these uncertain economic times.


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