How Can You Make the Most Money in Platinum Investments?
Everybody likes to invest in platinum. Even small quantities of it are valuable, which means you can store a lot of money’s worth of it in just a small space. It’s not that difficult to find, as we will discuss in our post today. It’s liquid, meaning that when you decide to sell what you have, you can do so fast.
And as an investment, platinum has the traditional virtues that all precious metals do. Even though trading prices can rise and fall, precious metal values have been shown to be more stable in the long term than the investments you make in stocks.
But what kind of platinum should you invest in? What are your options? Here is what you need to know.
Platinum Bullion and Coins
It’s easy to buy from online sources. Value is (usually) tied directly to current trading prices. Platinum Bullion and Coins are compact and easy to store. But it doesn’t offer as great a return on investment as many forms of platinum scrap do.
Platinum Scrap
There are many kinds of platinum scrap – some more valuable than others. You can invest in thermocouple wire, small pieces of platinum scrap from jewelry-makers’ factories, medical and dental scrap, aerospace scrap and other varieties.
One big advantage of investing in platinum scrap is that it can offer you a bigger payback than bullion or coins. You could spend $100 on a quantity of thermocouple wire that contains nearly $200 worth of platinum that a qualified precious metal refinery like Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners can reclaim for you. So if you have an opportunity to buy platinum scrap, why not call us at 800-426-2344 and ask our advice? In general, you won’t have a chance to double your money if you invest in platinum bullion or coins.
Platinum Jewelry
Although platinum jewelry could be classified as platinum scrap, we are putting it in its own category here, because it has some special advantages as an investment. Used platinum engagement rings, which are an excellent investment choice, are widely available now. You can buy them in eBay, in local jewelers’ stores and other places.
And if the rings you find are pure platinum (not platinum-plated), they are easy to value. A qualified precious metal refinery like Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners can quickly tell you their value.
What Investment Strategies Are Best for Platinum Scrap?
Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners makes it simple for you to process and profit from platinum scrap. You call us, we explain how to send your scrap to us for testing. We test what you send us and tell us what it is worth. If you want us to process it and pay you for it, we will do that. We will even hold your scrap for you and process it when trading prices rise to a level you specify.
To learn more, call our precious metal consultants at 800-426-2344.