Why Letting Us Test Powdered Chemicals Can Offer You a Large Return and Ensure Your Safety
We recently analyzed and extracted palladium from a quantity of palladium cyanide salt that a client sent to us for testing and recycling. The salts, which didn’t look valuable to the untrained eye, had been safely stored in small steel canisters. After analysis, we were able to extract the palladium that the salt contained by heating it in sealed ovens that allowed us to complete the extraction safely, with no release of cyanide or any negative environmental impact.
Palladium Chloride, By W. Oelen (http://woelen.homescience.net/science/index.html) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
So, what are palladium salts? They are compounds of palladium and other chemicals that are most often used in the production and testing of stainless and other steels. Some palladium salts are also used as catalysts in the production of other chemicals.
Here are some common forms of palladium salts that are used in industry you might come to own if you acquire a chemical business or an old industrial site . . .
- Palladium bromide
- Palladium chloride
- Palladium cyanide
- Palladium iodide
- Palladium nitrate
- Palladium sulfate
Alert: Chemicals Can Be Both Valuable and Dangerous
That salty story teaches a valuable lesson, which is that deposits of industrial chemicals can be hazardous.
For proof of that, we need to look no further than the discovery of deposits of chromium-bearing chemicals at a former Honeywell plant in Jersey City, New Jersey. The entire site has required extensive environmental remediation over the last few decades. The New Jersey EPA has established the Chromium Cleanup Partnership, a special agency that monitors both the site cleanup and the health of residents nearby.
A Common Discovery
If you are a real estate developer or a business buyer, you could find yourself facing a similar predicament if you discover quantities of chemical waste. If you do, here’s a recommendation. Why not call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344, send in a sample of the chemicals that you own, and let us help you identify any dangers and extract the maximum value for them? Don’t let their value slip through your fingers. Many chemicals, like the palladium salts that we recently processed, can be worth a lot more than you think.
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