Precious Metals Refining: How to Make Money from America’s Great TV Trade-In
If you’ve visited your town’s recycling center lately, you’ve noticed that Americans are tossing old TVs in record numbers. And the kind of tossing seems to be changing. A year ago, the electronics recycling bins at dumps were packed with old “fat” televisions that dated from the pre-flat screen days. Today, lots of older flat screen TVs are appearing in dumpsters at the dump too. That shouldn’t come as a surprise, since flat screens have been the televisions of choice for more than a decade now. They’re already breaking down and wearing out. Plus, consumers are tossing old flat screens that still work pretty well so they can upgrade to smart TVs, bigger TVs, higher-definition TVs, and lots of other new products.
With more Americans trading in their flat screen TVs for newer, bigger, better models, is there a recycling opportunity? Photo Credit: Jochen Sand/Photodisc/Thinkstock.
Can You Cash In?
If you have an older TV that you are about to toss, how much money can you make by pulling it apart (along with its remote), snipping off the gold “fingers” that are found along the edges of its printed circuit boards, and sending them to a qualified gold refinery like Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners?
Sad to report, you are not going to get much of a return on the quantity of gold that you can reclaim from just one TV and its remote. In all likelihood, less than a dollar – and our refinery needs to process a larger quantity of gold than that to make it worth your effort, or ours.
But should you shrug and forget about cashing in on the value of all the gold that is being thrown away in America’s dumps? Not necessarily. There is still money to be made if you can find a commercial way to collect even a small percentage of those tossed TVs, reclaim the gold, and send it to us.
Why Not Start an Electronics Recycling Business?
Have you thought about it? Even though you’d be competing with other companies that are already doing it, it could be a great new business for you if you can collect unwanted televisions from town dumps, hotels and hotel chains, hospitals and even school systems. And don’t forget that many older televisions contain lots of materials that can be recycled, including plastics and base metals that can be sold by the pound as scrap.
The more used televisions you can collect, the more money you can make. And at the same time, you can recycle computers and other electronic devices that are no longer needed.
How much money can your new enterprise make? That really is up to you. If you’d like to discuss how we can partner with you to make an electronics recycling business successful, call us at 800-426-2344 today.
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